Reuters刚刚公布了2007年年度照片精选,一共106张照片描述了这家老牌新闻媒体眼中的2007年,你可以在这里看到完整的Slide Show(可惜速度较慢)。
回 顾2007年,无论是国际还是国内,都让人很难感到欣慰,而2008年,也许,也并非那么值得我们期待,下面是我们选择的Best of the Best,除了考虑摄影上可能给你带来的idea,还优先选择了与中国有关的出色照片――希望能够给每天在这个国家穿梭的你,一点点记录历史的启发。
一名巴勒斯坦人在拉马拉西岸举起前巴勒斯坦领导人Yasser Arafat的照片,纪念这位领袖逝世第三周年,11月11日,2007年
A Palestinian holds a banner depicting the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally in the West Bank city of Ramallah marking the third anniversary of his death, November 11, 2007. REUTERS/Oleg Popov
在洪水中失去妈妈与姥姥的Peng Zhu在家的残骸旁哭泣,云溪,中国湖北,7月29日,2007.Peng Zhu, whose grandmother and mother were killed during floods, mourns near her damaged house in Yunxi county, central China's Hubei province July 29, 2007. REUTERS/Stringe
前美国总统Bill Clinton在他妻子――参议员Hillary Clinton的竞选募捐演讲上Former U.S. President Bill Clinton listens to his wife, U.S. Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, speak at a campaign fund-raiser in Washington March 20, 2007. REUTERS/Jim Young
两名印度尼西亚小孩在雅加达铁轨附近玩耍,背后一列火车呼啸而过,1月30日,2007Indonesian children play on a railway track in a slum area in Jakarta, January 30, 2007, as a train travels past. REUTERS/Beawiharta
一名中国军乐队指挥在准备演奏,3月5日,2007年A Chinese military band conductor prepares to perform before the opening ceremony of the National People's Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing March 5, 2007. REUTERS/Jason Lee
一名海底男孩在一摞棺材前和朋友们玩篮球,3月27日,2007A Haitian boy plays in front of coffins in the neighborhood of Cite-Militaire in Port-au-Prince March 27, 2007. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz
一名童工在印度Bihar-e-Sharif小镇搬运砖块,4月9日,2007年A child labourer carries bricks in Bihar-e-Sharif town, about 60 km (37 miles) from Patna, India, April 9, 2007. REUTERS/Adeel Halim
一名女子走入北京中心商业区的一个地铁站,4月16日,2007年A woman walks into a subway in the central business district of Beijing April 16, 2007. REUTERS/Claro Cortes Iv
西班牙Seville附近即将完成的太阳能发电站,5月16日,2007年 A general view shows a soon-to-be completed solar park at Sanlucar La Mayor, near Seville, Spain, May 16, 2007. The first of two solar thermal power plants uses mirrors to concentrate the sun's rays onto the top of a 100 metre (300 foot) tower where it produces steam to drive a turbine. The lines in the photograph are due to reflections on the solar panels. REUTERS/Javier Barbancho
一名母亲领着女儿沿着伦敦Tate现代美术馆的地板裂痕参观,该建筑为Doris Salcedo的设计作品A woman and girl walk alongside Doris Salcedo's work, Shibboleth - a giant crack in the floor of the Tate Modern in London October 8, 2007. REUTERS/Luke Macgregor
老兵Pat Lee在Anzac年度游行上戴着自己在二战时的头盔,2007年4月25日。War veteran Pat Lee wears his old World War II helmet during the annual Anzac (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Day march in Sydney April 25, 2007. REUTERS/David Gray
越南Hanoi舞蹈学校中的学生在上芭蕾课,8月30日,2007Students exercise during a ballet class at the Vietnam Dancing School in Hanoi, August 30, 2007. REUTERS/Kham
一名男子在楼梯的扶栏上行走,以躲过直冲而下的洪水 A man walks on the handrail of a staircase on a flooded street in southwest China's Chongqing municipality July 17, 2007. REUTERS/China Daily